May Farillio Personal Newsletter

May Farillio Personal Newsletter

Friday 27 May 22


Welcome to our latest newsletter, bringing lots of new updates and information from Farillio, including:

  • New features: This month sees the launch of no less than SIX new calculators as part of our collaboration with the government’s Money and Pensions Service. Find out more on these below.

  • Updated content: this month sees updates to our residential landlord and tenant materials:

    • Over the next few weeks, There will be a new (replacement) assured shorthold tenancy agreement for landlords with English-based properties; and,
    • if you’re in renting in Wales, there’s a new guide on how to prepare for some substantial changes to the Welsh landlord and tenant laws, which come into force 15 July 2022.
  • New content: This month’s new content includes:

    • A new workflow tool/Objective on setting up a family business – since reportedly, more of us than ever are going into business with relatives.
  • In the News: This month we’ve focused on:

    • The new set of rules designed to help protect customer hard-earned cash – coming very soon
    • No fake green claims – or else! The government wants companies making false or exaggerated assertions about their eco-friendliness/eco-credentials to be better held to account - and they’re changing the law and giving regulator’s enforcement powers to make it so
    • Whether self-driving cars will become your new ‘WFH’ extended workplace, or personal cinema. Soon, those traditionally ‘in the driving seat’ will be able lawfully to do these things and a whole lot more as the Highway Code faces revisions to allow it later this year. How safe/comfortable does this make you feel…?
    • Street votes – specifically, whether giving more power to neighbours and locals is a good or bad proposal, following new planning law reforms announced this month in the Queen’s Speech.
    • The FT's Climate Game – have you played it yet to see how you could make an impact on Net Zero ambitions? No? Play the game now.  
  • Expert corner: Martyn Ashley Taylor is our new residential landlord and tenant expert. Martyn’s on top of all the legal update material that we’ve highlighted this month - and he’s created an all-new and improved residential assured shorthold tenancy (AST) agreement which will shortly be available for you to use.

New Features:

Updated Content: A replacement Assured Shorthold (Residential) Tenancy Agreement (AST) for English-based properties

New Content: Big changes this July for Welsh landlords and tenants

New Content: Setting up a family business – the complete workflow experience

In the news:

Expert Corner: Meet Martyn Ashley Taylor from Ashley Taylors Legal

That's All!

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While we can connect you with some very fine advisers in the UK, and we collaborate with them to provide you with great materials, Farillio itself is not a law firm. We do not directly provide legal advice ourselves. All resources are available for you to use (according to our terms and conditions), but those resources are not legal advice to you and neither are they a substitute for you taking legal advice from a lawyer.

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