Dear Farillio Expert: When is the right time to launch my business? Joshua Bicknell, the creator of the Validate tool, says 'Start small, start quick'.

Dear Farillio Expert: When is the right time to launch my business? Joshua Bicknell, the creator of the Validate tool, says 'Start small, start quick'.

Thursday 18 Mar 21

Dear Farillio reader,

On 25th February 2021, you asked our brilliant expert partner Joshua Bicknell:

"I feel like I’ve been working on my plan forever, and I’m still nervous about launching it. How did you get confident about Validate? When did you know it was the right time to actually do it, and what was the first thing you did?”

And Joshua said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“I think the thing to realise is that almost inevitably the idea will change, because once you come into contact with customers they're going to probably behave slightly differently than how you predicted. You might be in the one percent and you're really lucky that they do exactly what you think, but probably in 99 per cent of cases you have to adapt and develop your idea. Therefore, it's about starting as quickly and as cheaply as you can, just get something out there so that you can start learning. Don't think about this huge thing, like putting out the whole product, but think about what is the quickest, simplest, cheapest thing that I can almost do today. On Validate, as I mentioned before, that would be going in and building a landing page, sending that out to people and getting feedback from them, and learning from there. I think because your idea almost inevitably is going to change, the quicker you start doing that, the quicker you're going to end up with hopefully a successful and thriving business. So yeah, start small, start quick.”

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Want more from Joshua?

You can also find Joshua’s answers to other questions being asked by you and your community in our Dear Farillio section on our blog site, and Joshua’s great guidance on business here.

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