Dear Farillio Expert: What do you do when it feels like nobody believes in your idea? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate gives her advice.

Dear Farillio Expert: What do you do when it feels like nobody believes in your idea? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate gives her advice.

Friday 18 Jun 21

Dear Farillio member,

On 23rd April 2021, you asked our fabulous expert Lisa Laing on the Go Far Fast Show:

“What do you do when it feels like nobody believes in your idea or your abilities? I'm scared about what to do next”

And Lisa said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“That's a that's a really good question and I would answer it in two parts. The first part is that being in business really is a grind and nobody talks about how much hard work you must do. It’s relentless, it's a long slog, and there's no such thing as an overnight success. In fact, with anybody who does have success, you haven't seen the hard slog over the ten years before they became become an overnight success. Part of it is believing in what you're doing, knowing that you're going to put the hard yards in, and sticking with it. Go the hard yards and make it happen. Do everything you need to do and believe in it completely.

The second part is this thing that I call ‘proving the concept’. I feel a lot of businesses miss this part. We are not our customer, and this is a mistake a lot of business owners make when they launch, particularly with products. They think they have a great idea – ‘I'm going to order an entire container of that and then I'm going to sell it’. They forget to check that potential customers will buy it at a price point that makes a profit. I think that the answer to that question is in two parts. One, get in and do it. Two, before you get in and do it, make sure that there's enough of a market there for you to make a profit out of it. Make sure that you're not just going to sell six pieces a month and you're going to able to pay your own bills. Check on that before you put your all in.”

Ask your question:

If you have any questions that you'd like us to ask in a future Go Far Fast Show, send us a DM on Twitter or on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear from you!

Want more from Lisa?

You can also find Lisa’s answers to other questions being asked by you and your community in our Dear Farillio Expert section on our blog site, and Lisa’s great guidance on business here. Download the full podcast here.

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