Dear Farillio Expert: Is it possible to find the right balance between work and life? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate says yes!

Dear Farillio Expert: Is it possible to find the right balance between work and life? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate says yes!

Friday 18 Jun 21

Dear Farillio member,

On 23rd April 2021, you asked our fabulous expert Lisa Laing on the Go Far Fast Show:

“Do you think it's ever possible to find the balance between work and having a life away from it? I don't know anyone right now who seems to be successful and has time for friends, hobbies or other stuff.”

And Lisa said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“I absolutely think it's possible. I think it's easy to fall back into the pattern of being addicted to business, but it is possible with clear strategies. I think we live in the most incredible time, with our ability to use software to automate our businesses. We have access to low cost and cheap software that can absolutely change how we run our businesses.

We also have a global workforce that fits into any budget or any expertise category and we can find people who can help us inside of our businesses. I think there's never been a better time to be growing a brand than literally right now. Incorporating those kinds of activities will allow us, as business owners, to get off the mouse wheel and focus on building the business instead of running the business. That’s where we have the time to have lunch with friends, be there for our kids and be present. It absolutely can be done, but it does take a clear strategy and a lot of knowledge to help you to find those unique set of activities inside of your business that will allow you to be a little freer, and dedication to the cause.”

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If you have any questions that you'd like us to ask in a future Go Far Fast Show, send us a DM on Twitter or on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear from you!

Want more from Lisa?

You can also find Lisa’s answers to other questions being asked by you and your community in our Dear Farillio Expert section on our blog site, and Lisa’s great guidance on business here. Download the full podcast here.

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