Dear Farillio Expert: How to be good at marketing when you're bad with data? Louis Grenier of Everyone Hates Marketers explains what marketing is really about.

Dear Farillio Expert: How to be good at marketing when you're bad with data? Louis Grenier of Everyone Hates Marketers explains what marketing is really about.

Thursday 25 Mar 21

Dear Farillio member,

On 16th March 2021, you asked our excellent expert Louis Grenier on the Go Far Fast Show:

“I had no idea that marketing was so much about money and data. It’s a bit beyond me. I’m selling ok but I need to expand my customers. So I think I need to do some marketing, but I don’t have a head for figures and I find the data to work out what’s worth it really confusing. I’m not sure how I can do something that won’t be a waste of time or money. Can you give me some simple suggestions?”

And Louis said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“It's not just about data, science and numbers because humans are very interesting creations. We come from 4 billion years of evolution and our brain has been crafted to sustain a lot of stuff. Frankly, we don't even understand ourselves that well and science hasn't come that far when it comes to understanding why people make decisions. Creativity is very important. By creativity I mostly mean connectivity. It’s as Brian Schwartz, the famous copywriter, says “creativity is really about connectivity, connecting two things that shouldn't really be put together”. Just connect the things that you learn from books and your experience and put them together. My best advice if you're not into numbers and data, if you're someone who creates instead, that is all good. You just need to double down on your unique abilities and strengths. Work on what you're good at and what gives you energy and then outsource the rest. There is no formula. The world is so complex and there are so many different contexts at play; whether it's the time of the day, the weather, the mood that they’re in, the channel you use, or the message. There are so many variables and there is no bulletproof way. The best way is to ship what you have in mind, follow your gut, go for it, see what works and then do it again. Outsource the things you're not good at. Marketing is not all about data and science. Creativity, creative brands, and differentiated brands are proven by many studies to generate more revenue. People are willing to pay a premium for them, so creativity and standing out in some way is absolutely critical.”

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Want more from Louis?

You can also find Louis’ answers to other questions being asked by you and your community in our Dear Farillio Expert section on our blog site, and Louis’ great guidance on marketing here.

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