Dear Farillio Expert: How do I test my business plan? Joshua Bicknell explains how to use the Validate tool to test your plan.

Dear Farillio Expert: How do I test my business plan? Joshua Bicknell explains how to use the Validate tool to test your plan.

Thursday 18 Mar 21

Dear Farillio reader,

On 25th February 2021, you asked our fabulous expert partner Joshua Bicknell:

"Once I’ve got my plan to start, how do I test it? What's your advice, Josh? How much can Validate actually help with that?”

And Joshua said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“What we've tried to do is to create six buckets of tests that you can select from and then we give you tools to use in them. They range from the easiest and quickest to do, to more advanced and more difficult. The first one is that you can build a homepage on Validate in a minute. There are some different templates where you throw in some images and you write what your idea is. You have a link and you send it out to people and they can comment immediately on it. That's to really break it down and get you doing it fast.The next thing I think is research. There are lots of powerful tools and you can look at how others are already solving this. After that you've got surveys, which is about speaking with customers digitally or with paper – so asking them different questions. There are different kinds of surveys that we give examples of, from discovery surveys to A/B testing and thinking about ‘which product’?. Then you've got interviewing, which is speaking with customers again. There are different kinds of interviews you can run. You can have focus groups where you can focus on the problem and the solution. After that we have prototyping. Prototype is kind of a fancy word, but it's basically how can you put something physical in front of your customers. That could be a fully-fledged website, it could be a short, animated video, it could be cardboard mock-up of your product. The final thing is selling. Selling is obviously a transaction or exchange where people are giving you either a commitment of money or they're paying for this. As I said, it's a scale from the easiest and the quickest to selling – which is the hardest.”

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