Dear Farillio Expert: How can I grow in my business? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate tells us how.

Dear Farillio Expert: How can I grow in my business? Lisa Laing from The Uncomplicate tells us how.

Friday 18 Jun 21

Dear Farillio member,

On 23rd April 2021, you asked our fabulous expert Lisa Laing on the Go Far Fast Show:

“I know I need a coach to help grow my business, but I struggle to pay for things as they are. How can I get help to grow in this situation?”

And Lisa said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“I come across this one a lot. In my experience, there's over $150K to $200K that I've invested over the last 12 years in business coaching programmes. Every single time I had to pay for a mentor it hurt. There was a point when I had to use three credit cards to get to a conference, but that conference changed my life. I would perhaps turn the question around and say, can you afford not to get that information?

That's the opportunity cost of not having a good mentor. Of course, you need to be financially responsible. However, if you've researched and you've found a mentor or coach that has the expertise you need, you can in almost every case pay back the cost of working with them within a month or two of working with me. I have the expertise to help people to tweak things, decrease expenses, and increase revenue. Where can we look for low hanging fruit? How can we tweak this and change that? I think that is a value that then extends.

I had a coach at one point who I worked with for four years, so you can imagine how much incredible guidance I got every year of those four years. I would say, how can you afford not to have a good strategy person in your world?”

Ask your question:

If you have any questions that you'd like us to ask in a future Go Far Fast Show, send us a DM on Twitter or on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear from you!

Want more from Lisa?

You can also find Lisa’s answers to other questions being asked by you and your community in our Dear Farillio Expert section on our blog site, and Lisa’s great guidance on business here. Download the full podcast here.

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