Dear Farillio Expert: Are the government taking what’s happening with small businesses seriously, Alex Till of the National Enterprise Network discusses the situation

Dear Farillio Expert: Are the government taking what’s happening with small businesses seriously, Alex Till of the National Enterprise Network discusses the situation

Friday 26 Feb 21

Dear Farillio Member,

On 29th July 2020, you asked our brilliant guest Alex Till on the Go Far Fast Show:

"Are the government taking what’s happening with small businesses seriously? It doesn’t always feel like that to the small business on the street.."

And Alex said:

Be mighty always, Farillio


“The government's listening. I think what we've now got to do is to look at how that's positioned and what they're doing for it. You'll see that a lot of Local Authorities have had funds devolved to them to enable them to work in particular areas. The Local Authorities have now got to make a decision on how that works. So the government's hearing it, and they're trying to make it geographically positioned. Across the country, we've got urban, rural and coastal communities, which are all going to have different needs and different wants. Each one of those is going to have a different style and way in which they deliver their services to business. Now we're suddenly coming into the more fine tuned detail of 'these are the organisations which need supporting'. There are industries being wiped out – festival food for example and the businesses like that. There's nothing happening. These are the sorts of things which are now coming out of the woodwork, where we're saying we really need to support them. What we've still got to do is make sure that those businesses that need support can access it – and that it is the right support for them at the right time to enable them to be sustainable and to actually move forward.”

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