How I use Farillio: Jamie Perryman, Perryman’s Home Services

How I use Farillio: Jamie Perryman, Perryman’s Home Services

Wednesday 8 Sep 21

Jamie is one of Farillio’s many new business customers and a hugely valued contributor of feedback to us in our relentless pursuit of improvement and customer delight . Here’s a bit about Jamie, and why he says that Farillio is ‘perfect’ for his people management and business needs; without us, he told us, he would not have known where to start. Now, Jamie can focus on creating maximum value in his business without getting stressed or distracted by time-consuming ‘admin’.

Hello Jamie, tell us about yourself and Perryman Home Services?

Hello Farillio! I’m the founder of Perryman Home Services. We’re a family business, based in Swaffham, Norfolk, England. We’re a one-stop shop for cleaning services.

We clean homes, offices, business premises, items like ovens, sofas and carpets, windows, gutters, patios, hardwood flooring, and we offer lots more too, including garden maintenance and a car valet service. We are professionally trained (yes, it takes a professional to clean ovens and upholstery properly and safely, while protecting your premises and equipment). We are always happy to help!

I started the business in 2020 and success took off from there – in spite of the pandemic! Supporting local businesses and homes during this period was difficult, but I’m really proud of what we achieved – and how we’re hiring as our business continues to grow.

What key challenges have you faced in setting up and running your business, Jamie?

A number of challenges – not least starting and running a business during a lockdown!

Can you describe the key needs you have as a business owner?

I need to have reliable and happy staff that enjoy their job.

How has Farillio helped you on your journey, Jamie?

Farillio has helped by reducing time I spend on the admin side of the business, including contracts. Worrying about what is included and what is not in contracts is something that I no longer do. Farillio has given me the opportunity to use my valuable time elsewhere in the business.

(Jamie used Farillio to create HR paperwork, policies and contracts. As a Direct Line group customer, Jamie gets access to Farillio for free with his insurance. He found out about us from a Direct Line email campaign explaining Farillio’s services.

Jamie told us that he likes Farillio because of the way the content is linked up, guiding him to what else he needs that he isn’t aware of. He never gets stuck or confused and he likes the fact that where he has choices, they’re explained and clear. Farillio does the expert thinking for him and gives him the assurance that he is doing things properly.)

Jamie, who’s inspired you along the way? Who are your role models?

My personal role model was my father, who is no longer with us and I lost when I was 5. Always giving me the drive to keep going to make him proud.

Famous wise - Keanu Reeves. He has had some very difficult times and challenges in life. He has always seemed to be a thoughtful man who supports his local community and pays back his kindness to others. (Also, an awesome actor!)

Thanks so much, Jamie – including for sharing ideas and suggestions for what else Farillio can do for you. How can our community get in touch with you and help support your business?

If you’re located in Norfolk and want help with any cleaning needs – look no further: You can find us on Facebook too:

A quick peak at Google shows that Perryman’s customers have been giving them 5-star Google ratings. It’s easy to see why.


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